We’ve had our 1979 Jeep CJ7 on the road for a few years, fully wired with our Infinitybox system. It is a great test vehicle for our products. If you haven’t seen the install series for the Jeep, you can see all the details including the videos by clicking this link. We created a full set of wiring diagrams showing how we wired the Jeep with our Infinitybox system. These show where we mounted the cells, how we routed primary power from the battery and the CAN cables. They also show how we wired all of the switches to the MASTERCELL and how we wired all of the loads to the POWERCELLs. We also show the details of the dash lighting, the wiper wiring and the gauge wiring. While these drawings show our Infinitybox system going into a Jeep, these diagrams are applicable for any resto-mod, street rod, kit car, hot rod or Pro-Touring build that you may be working on.
These links will take you to PDF copies of these wiring diagrams.
We’re progressing on wiring our 1979 Jeep CJ7 with our Infinitybox system. We spent some time this weekend fabricating the mounts to hold the MASTERCELL. In a previous update, we found the best location for the MASTERCELL. We wanted it in a location that was close to our switches. That makes the input wires short and easy to run. We also wanted it located in a place that was easy to access for troubleshooting. Locating the MASTERCELL behind the glovebox door was the ideal location. You can catch that earlier video update at this link.
Location of MASTERCELL behind dash of 1979 Jeep CJ7
The glovebox is small and generally useless in the Jeep. It is also unsecure. We’re going to be installing a locking center console for security later in the project. When you take out the plastic glovebox, there is a good amount of space between the dash and the heater box. That is a perfect location for the MASTERCELL. We can simply open the glovebox door to access the MASTERCELL for troubleshooting and any updates that we’d want to make.
We bought a new dash panel from Quadratech. They’ve been a great resource for a lot of the Jeep-related parts that we’ve needed over the project. We have the dash on a bench in our lab and we’re going to do most of the wiring remotely. Once the dash is done, we’ll drop that into the Jeep and make the connections to the POWERCELLs and other things with simple connectors.
Infinitybox MASTERCELL temporarily mounted behind dash in 1979 Jeep CJ7
We fabricated a few simple straps from 1/16″ low-carbon steel. The two vertical straps bolt into the existing dash holes for the deleted glovebox. The two horizontal straps are riveted to the vertical straps. The MASTERCELL mounting plate will be riveted to these horizontal straps.
Mounting bracket to hold Infinitybox MASTERCELL behind dash in 1979 Jeep CJ7
Mounting bracket to hold Infinitybox MASTERCELL behind dash in 1979 Jeep CJ7
For now, we have the MASTERCELL mounting plate held to the horizontal straps with double-sided tape. We’ll permanently mount these parts together after we paint the straps and double-check the clearances behind the dash.
The end product is clean, rock solid and will properly support the MASTERCELL under all driving conditions. All of the dash and switch wiring will be clean and short. The MASTERCELL will be accessible for anything that we need. Keep checking back for updates. In our next steps, we’re going to be wiring the rest of the things on the dash. This includes the headlight switch wiring, the gauges and the wiring going to the steering column.
Over the next few videos, we’re going to continue our theme on good planning. Specifically, we’re going to talk about picking the best locations for the major components that come with your Infinitybox system. We’re installing our 20-Circuit Kit with inLINK and inRESERVE in our 1979 CJ7. To get the most out of our install, we want to pick the best locations for the MASTERCELL, the front & rear POWERCELLs, the MEGA fuse holder and the inRESERVE solenoid. We’ve broken this up into 5 different videos, talking about what you need to consider for each part. This video covers picking the best locations for your front & rear POWERCELLs.
Side View of the Infinitybox POWERCELL
You get two POWERCELLs in your 20-Circuit Kit. One for the front of your car and one for the rear. The POWERCELLs are the remote fuse & relay boxes for your system. They get commands sent to them from the MASTERCELL and they do the actual switching for all of your lights, ignition, starter, fuel pump, cooling fan, horn and other accessories. You can learn more about the POWERCELL by clicking this link.
There are two important things to consider when you’re picking the best locations for your POWERCELLs. First, you want the POWERCELLs as close to your electrical loads as possible. This keeps the wiring short and makes it easy to install. Your front POWERCELL is going to power your headlights, high-beams, turn signals, parking lights, ignition, starter, horn and dash. You want to keep the front POWERCELL close to these loads to keep the wiring short. Your rear POWERCELL is going to power your brake lights, turn signals, reverse lights, running lights, fuel pump and any audio that you have in the back of your car.
The other thing to consider when you pick your POWERCELL locations is that your POWERCELLs are the remote fuse boxes. You need to have reasonable access to the POWERCELL to remove the protective cover and change the fuses.
In our 1979 Jeep CJ7, we’re going to mount the front POWERCELL on the inner driver’s fender. There is a nice flat spot there to make mounting easy. It is accessible for maintenance. The 8-AWG power cables can be easily routed across the firewall to connect to the battery and the runs of wires to the loads are all relatively short. Check out more detail on the location in this video.
We’re going to mount the front POWERCELL inside the rear passenger fender. We will fabricate an enclosure inside the fender that is outside the travel for the suspension. We’ll make a sealed cover over the enclosure so we can get to it easily for maintenance. We can easily run the 8-AWG power feeds and the CAN cable down the passenger side of the Jeep. Finally, the runs of wires to the brake lights, turn signals, running lights, reverse lights and fuel pump are all relatively short. Check out more detail on the location in this video.
Infinitybox Jeep CJ7 Wiring Diagram- Cell Locations and Primary Power Routing
Picking the best locations for your POWERCELLs will make your wiring simple and efficient. It will also make troubleshooting and diagnostics easier. Keep watching for more in our 1979 Jeep CJ7 Install Series.
Over the next few videos, we’re going to continue our theme on good planning. Specifically, we’re going to talk about picking the best locations for the major components that come with your Infinitybox system. We’re installing our 20-Circuit Kit with inLINK and inRESERVE in our 1979 CJ7. To get the most out of our install, we want to pick the best locations for the MASTERCELL, the front & rear POWERCELLs, the MEGA fuse holder and the inRESERVE solenoid. We’ve broken this up into 5 different videos, talking about what you need to consider for each part. This video covers picking the best location for your MASTERCELL.
The Infinitybox MASTERCELL
The MASTERCELL is the brain of your 20-Circuit Kit. It connects to all of your switches. These include your ignition switch, turn signal stalk, brake pedal switch, headlight switch, fuel pump & cooling fan trigger and any other accessory switches that you may have in your car or truck. The MASTERCELL sends commands to the POWERCELLs when you turn a switch on or off. You can learn more about the MASTERCELL and what it does by clicking this link.
There are two important things to consider when you’re picking the location for your MASTERCELL. First, you want the MASTERCELL as close to your switches as possible. This keeps the wiring short and makes it easy to install. Second, you want to have easy access to the MASTERCELL for troubleshooting and diagnostics. There are tons of diagnostic features built into the MASTERCELL. You can learn about them at this link. To access these features, you need to be able to get to the MASTERCELL, remove the protective cover, press the buttons and read the inSIGHT LCD screen.
In our 1979 Jeep CJ7, we’re going to mount the MASTERCELL in the glove compartment. There is a convenient open pocket behind the door for the glove compartment. This puts the MASTERCELL close to all of the switches on the dash. That will make the dash wiring short and efficient. With the door open, we can easily take off the MASTERCELL cover, press the buttons and read the inSIGHT screen. When we close the door, the MASTERCELL disappears.
This picture will show the location of the MASTERCELL and POWERCELLs in the Jeep and how we routed the CAN cable between the cells.
Infinitybox Jeep CJ7 Wiring Diagram- CAN Cable Routing
Picking the best location for your MASTERCELL will make your switch wiring simple and efficient. It will also make troubleshooting and diagnostics easier if you need them. Keep watching for more in our 1979 Jeep CJ7 Install Series.
Over the next few videos, we’re going to continue our theme on good planning. Specifically, we’re going to talk about picking the best locations for the major components that come with your Infinitybox system. We’re installing our 20-Circuit Kit with inLINK and inRESERVE in our 1979 CJ7. To get the most out of our install, we want to pick the best locations for the MASTERCELL, the front & rear POWERCELLs, the MEGA fuse holder and the inRESERVE solenoid. We’ve broken this up into 5 different videos, talking about what you need to consider for each part. This video covers picking the best location for the block of MEGA fuses that comes with your 20-Circuit Kit.
Everything starts with running primary power from the battery. The POWERCELLs get powered by cables that connect back to the positive terminal of the battery. These cables need to be protected against short circuits by fuses. Your 20-Circuit Kit includes a block of 4 high-current MEGA fuses to protect the four 8-AWG cables that bring battery power to the POWERCELLs. If one of these cables was to short to ground, the MEGA fuse becomes the weakest link in the electrical chain. The fuse opens to protect the cable from damage. You want the MEGA holder to be mounted as close to the battery as possible to minimize the length of unprotected cable.
We’re going to mount the MEGA fuse block right in front of the battery, under the hood. There is a flat spot on the inner passenger fender that would be a great place. It is a short run of cable from the positive terminal to this location and we can easily route the 8-AWG power cables to the front & rear POWERCELLs. Watch this video to learn more about these and see where we’re mounting the MEGA fuses in the Jeep.
We are also installing our inRESERVE battery management solenoid in the Jeep. The best location for the inRESERVE solenoid is usually right next to the block of Mega fuses. This picture shows you how the Mega fuses go hand in hand with the inRESERVE battery management kit.
This diagram will show you the overview of the Mega fuses in the Jeep and show you how they connect to the battery, the inRESERVE solenoid and the 8-gauge power cables that feed each POWERCELL.
Infinitybox Jeep CJ7 Wiring Diagram- Cell Locations and Primary Power Routing
Picking the best location for the MEGA fuse holder will get you a safe and reliable electrical system in your car or truck. It will also make running the power cables to your POWERCELLs easier if you plan in advance. Keep watching for more in our 1979 Jeep CJ7 Install Series.
This is a pretty boring video but the message is very important.
Picture of a 1979 Jeep CJ7 wired with the Infinitybox system
This is the next video in our 1979 Jeep CJ7 install video series. In this video, Jay talks about project planning. He goes through the manuals and documentation. He also talks about reviewing the configuration sheet that came with your kit. Here’s the message: the better you plan up front, the better the job is going to go. This applies to wiring your car or truck, just like it does for installing an EFI system, or upholstering a seat or painting a car. The Infinitybox website is full of resources to help you wire your resto-mod, street rod, hot rod, race car, kit car or Pro-Touring build. You can get to our Resources page at this link. You can also access our Blog at this link. This is full of tips, tricks and customer examples.
The most important message here is to ask questions. If you don’t understand something, give our team a call. You can reach us at (847) 232-1991.
You can check out the project planning video here.
We’re excited to announce a new project at Infinitybox. We’re doing a full install of our Infinitybox system into this Jeep. Check out the step-by-step videos showing you the power and simplicity of the Infinitybox system for your resto-mod, street rod, hot rod, kit car or Pro-Touring build. We’re doing this install in three phases.
In the first phase, we’ll get the core wiring done. We’re going to install our 20-Circuit Kit with inLINK and inRESERVE. We’ll take you through all of the details of wiring your car or truck with these products.
In the second phase, we’re going to expand the system to control power locks and power windows. These will be controlled by our inMOTION motor controller.
In the last phase, we’re going to accessorize the Jeep. We’re going to add trail lights, audio and other electrical accessories. We’ll also install our inTOUCH NET to show how you can control your car or truck with a smart phone or tablet.
Picture of a 1979 Jeep CJ7 wired with the Infinitybox system
This is a 1979 Jeep CJ7. It is a beast. It is powered by a well-built Chevy 350. It has a 2″ suspension lift and a 2″ body lift. It rides comfortably on a set of 33″ tires. The shop that built it did a great job. There is no rust on the body or chassis. The interior is nicely done. Mechanically, it is in great shape.
The wiring is another story. It has been through a few owners since it was restored. It seems that every owner hacked into the wiring in their own special way. You can see where lighting was added, then removed. There was an amplifier and a subwoofer in the back but they are long gone. The wiring is just dangling there for these. The gauge and dash wiring is a mess. Some of the connections are butt-spliced, some are soldered, some use fast-on terminals. There are wires under the hood and behind the dash that serve purpose. We are going to gut the wiring and show you how easy it is to wire anything with our Infinitybox system.
You can check out the introductory video in the series here.
Our Infinitybox system can used to wire practically any car, truck or vehicle. It is designed to stand up to the abuse of the harshest off-road, off-highway and commercial vehicle applications. Here’s another great off-road example. Sam P. is an Infinitybox customer who was building a JEEP YJ for a customer. Here’s a picture of the Jeep as he first received it.
Jeep YJ Before Restoration and Rewiring with Infinitybox
… and here is the finished product…
Jeep YJ After Restoration and Rewiring with Infinitybox
Sam needed a simple electrical wiring system for this Jeep. He had all of the basics including ignition, starter, head lights, high beams, turn signals, flashers, brake lights, cooling fans and horns. He also had extra trail lighting that he wanted to add. The customer also wanted to take this off road so he needed a system that could handle the dust, dirt, moisture, shock and vibration. Sam purchased our 20-Circuit Kit to get the job done.
His MASTERCELL is located behind the dash.
Here’s a picture of his front POWERCELL. This is located just above where the transmission tunnel hits the firewall.
Front POWERCELL in Jeep YJ Rewire with Infinitybox System
Here is a picture of his rear POWERCELL. He fabricated a pocket in the back by the tailgate to keep the wiring protected.
Rear POWERCELL Mounted in a Jeep YJ wired with the Infinitybox System
The finished product is neat, clean and will thrive in the harshest of trail conditions.
If you have a car, truck of off-road vehicle that needs powerful & reliable wiring, check out the Infinitybox system. Click this link to connect to our technical support team to talk through the details of your project.