20-Circuit Kit Power Up Video
This blog post has a simple video that shows you what to expect on your Infinitybox MASTERCELL when you power up your 20-Circuit Kit. The Infinitybox system is full of simple tools to help you troubleshoot and diagnose your electrical system. You can download a complete troubleshooting and diagnostic guide by clicking here.
This video shows you the start up messages that you will see on your MASTERCELL inSIGHT LCD module. It also shows you the different indicator lights on the MASTERCELL and describes what they mean. This video also shows you how to take an inventory of all of cells connected to the MASTERCELL including your POWERCELLs, inMOTION Cells, inVIRONMENT and inTOUCH NET. By simply pressing the HOME button on the MASTERCELL, you get a real-time confirmation that the MASTERCELL is communicating with all of the accessories in your system.
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